Meet AJ

Meet DRASOL’s well loved warehouse cat – AJ. Often found sleeping on her dedicated office chair or sunning herself on the bonnet of a vehicle. AJ will wander the warehouse popping into offices for a”meow” and a stroke of the neck.

Kadina Solar Farm

What looked like the perfect job, turned out to be just that! With day one site inductions and pre-start meetings complete, the DRASOL construction crew of nine got off to a flying start by laying out a large portion of the field and installing five of the single-axis trackers by days end. Fast-forward nineteen days […]

6MW Solar Farm for Nova Nickel Mine

After a long drive, which took all of two days to travel to the remote Nova Nickel-Copper Mine, located near Fraser Range in Western Australia, followed by the mandatory site inductions and establishment processes, work commenced on this 6Mw Solar Farm. DRASOL’s initially small crew of eight got off to a good start with 50% […]

The Mechanical Install of Canadian Solar’s 5.5Mw Mannum Solar Farm

DRASOL’s latest project is the mechanical install of Canadian Solar’s 5.5Mw Mannum Solar Farm for Sydney based EPC, MPower Solutions.   Having previously worked with MPower Solutions as the EPC at Port Pirie, we are looking forward to the challenge of this project. To date we have completed Three Golden Rows for inspection and have laid out most […]